Let Me Be Your Fairy Godbridesmaid
Something Woo (Coming Soon!)
There are so many powerful themes that come into play for brides during wedding planning.
Everything is magnified, but you're still a human being in a human body with a daily schedule and **GASP** preferences that don't always match what society/family/Pinterest thinks "should" happen!?
When I was going through it, something that really surprised me was that my go-to coping skills weren't enough. I had an amazing support system, I journaled and worked out almost every day and, oh yeah! I'm also a trained couples and family therapist . . . my communication and boundaries weren't perfect but, like, I considered myself pretty freaking equipped for stuff like this :P
Something that I heard over and over was, "Don't sweat the small stuff."
But my gut told me that if I leaned in to the challenges instead of glossing over them, I could channel the power of the transition instead of being swept under its current.
"Something Woo" is an online self-paced course that helps other brides do exactly this.
You'll use EFT tapping, fun behavioral homework, and targeted journal prompts to find your Altar Ego and navigate boundaries and decisions with unBRIDALed confidence.View more details...
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